Monday, 10 December 2012

Institution, Marketing and Campaign Strategy: Institution and Marketing Strategy.

What Is Marketing?

"Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or ser
vice to customers. Marketing might sometimes be interpreted as the art of selling products, but selling is only a small fraction of marketing. As the term "Marketing" may replace "Advertising" it is the overall strategy and function of promoting a product or service to the customer." - Wikipedia 

How Do Record Companies Use Marketing? 

There are many different ways that companies choose to market their bands. Marketing is used to create awareness of a band and their music as well as to sell any products that that band and their record company have on offer. For a well established mainstream band the main aim of marketing would be to make money by selling albums, tour tickets and merchandising and to let the bands fan-base know that such products are on the market. For a low key, relatively unknown band/ independent record label the main aim of marketing would be to sell the music and to create awareness in order to establish a fan-base.
What Marketing Strategies Are There?

Here is a word cloud I created on Wordle naming many different marketing strategies:

I choose to use Bright colours bold background and bold fonts as I think it resembles the techniques used in festival line up posters (See Reading Festival poster Below). Festivals are another marketing strategy that can be used to promote bands.

What Are The Most Popular/ Efficient Strategies?

Our teacher Mr.Barton gave us the task of grouping the marketing methods in the picture below into categories named Desirable, Expensive and Lucrative. This is to help us identify which methods are the most popular, costly and profitable, so that we identify the bests methods for us to use. 

Here are my Categories: 

Music Videos- Consumers automatically assume that an artist will have a music video, the reason being because music videos are so popular they are an effective way of marketing that every genre uses. Consumers want to see a band, they want to see them performing, they want visuals to compliment the music creating meaning.

Here is a picture of a recently released Twin Atlantic video, pay extra attention to the view count. People love to watch music video's.

Live Performances- Bands love to play music and fans love to see bands live.
Merchandising- Fans love to show which bands they are into by wearing shirts with their logo's on.

Here is a picture of a girl wearing a Nirvana T-shirt. As to from this picture the girl wants to be represented as very rock and rebellious from her facial expression yet we look behind her and we see that she has a poster of Albert Einstein on her wall, suggesting that she is an academic, rebelliously rock people are stereotypically the opposite of academic.  

Downloads: Fans love to have  the bands music on their phones and computers to listen to when ever they wish to.
Twitter, Facebook & Myspace page- Lots of fans like to follow their favourite bands on twitter to see what they get up to on a daily basis and use Facebook and Myspace to see any products or services go on sale and to talk about the bands with other fans. Almost every band will have a Myspace, Twitter and Facebook page. 
Viral Competitions/ Freebies & Giveaways - Fans love to be get involved with their favourite bands and to get free stuff so entering competitions are a good way to do both. 
TV Adverts- Are a good way for a fan to see when albums are released and tour tickets are available.
Other desirable methods include appearances, print adverts and reviews.

Here is a video of Twin Atlantics Television Advert promoting their Autumn 2012 tour.

Music Video's- Music video's can be expensive to make. You would need equipment i.e cameras, directors, actors ect. All are very costly. Here is a Picture showing roughly the costs of video production according to the iVideo Production website, They suggest that a high quality video should cost atleast £4,250.

Tours- Tours are expensive as you have to hire venue's, instruments ect.
TV Adverts- Tv Advertisement is extremely expensive.
Other expensive marketing methos include merchandising, freebies & giveaways, print adverts and webistes. 

Lucrative- The most profitable forms of marketing are tours, releasing a single and merchandising because a band actually makes money by selling tour tickets, singles (Yet most singles also have video's made for them and this can be expensive) and clothes.

What Marketing Strategies Are Used In The Rock Music Genre? 

I've made a short video on Windows Live Movie Maker to show some marketing strategies that a similar rock band has used:
(All pictures were found on Google Images). 

Twin Atlantic: 

By Connie Ball. 

Digipak Inspiration:

Mood Board: