Sunday, 30 September 2012

Reference & Inspiration: Film, T.V and Advertisments

There are certain elements with in our music video and concept which we have looked to other media texts for inspiration. These are...

Alesana- The Thespian (Music video):

We plan to use shots of a girl dressed in white under bright lighting, suggesting that she is a ghost ect because Alice is hallucinating. The Artist in the video is also hallucinating. There are shots in The Thespian video which  we too inspiration from, here are some stills of those shots-


Effy- Skins (T.V drama character):

We took inspiration from Effy in skins when creating our character Alice, they are both mentally ill people who hallucinate.
Written by Connie Ball

E-mail To Copywrite Holder:

Target Audience: Age, Gender and Sub-culture

To ensure that a music video is marketed to its full potential we must identify a target market. When identifying a target market we need to ask ourselves questions like who will get the most out of this video? What age-group will identify with the video/artist the most? ect.
All She Wrote's music genre is rock, specifically post-hardcore rock which means that they would like to attract a post-hardcore rock audience, thier costume in the picture above is like the fashion style of a post-hardcore fan, the style consists of skinney jeans, dark colours, plan short sleved te-shirts, ripped denim, ear stretchers, dark hair, lip and other facial peircings, girls might opt for lighter coloured hair.
Post-hardcore fashion-

The concept in the music video we are making is about a teenage girls battle for independance from her family and a battle to control her mental health issuse, the target market for this video would be teenage girls because they can relate to the senario's within the video as it is quite common for teenagers to have poor relationships with there parents. Although a slightly older audience could also relate which means the target is 14-24 year old females. 

In short, our target market is 14-24 year old girls who are into rock music/screamo music.

Moodboard of target audience:

 Written by Connie Ball

Time Line of Events: First Draught

All She Wrote-Believing Is Not Knowing.

0.00-0.07: A venerable girl walking down a road in the dark, looking scared and confused. A    series of shakey home-video like camera shots.

Might need to put establishing shot of the family home here.

0.08-0.11: A Short zoom shot that goes through the door of a house.

    0.12-0.17: A Families raging argument. The girl Alice and her mum are screaming at each other and are both extremely angry, the dad is stood to the side of the shot shaking his head.

0.18-0.20: The door slams suggesting that Alice has stormed out.

0.20-0.27: shots of the Alice walking down the steps from the house and smoking a cigarette 0.28-0.31: Shots of Alice either walking the streets, selecting the song by All She Wrote on her ipod, or an establishing shot of the flat.

0.32-0.38: A series of shots of her feeling the wall in the flat ect these suggest that Alice is either mentally unstable or has taken drugs.

0.39-0.52- Alice goes crazy at this point, screaming and pulling at her hair, curling up into a ball ect. She see’s a ghostly girl.  

Written by Connie Ball


We decided to create a twitter account so that people can see our daily progress. We aim to tweet after every lesson and everytime we do something in the project.
Written by Connie Ball 

Friday, 21 September 2012

Brainstorming Idea's

Before we come up with the details of our music video we need to stimulate some creativity and to do this we explored all the possible storylines we could use with the genre and band we have chosen. This is the mindmap- 

We decided from doing this task that we envision a girl with mental health problems and a broken home. We decided that inorder to follow her through the video that we must really know her and there for we should do a character profile -

Following this we identified the other characters and possible locations-

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Final Song Choice:

After a lot of consideration we decided to go with a completely different track all together, we made this choice because it is important to relate to the Genre of music and Kieran and I have a wealth of knowledge with rock music, the track also has to inspire us and spark some creativity and ideas, this song does both things.
Here is a introduction to the band and a short synopsis of our music video concept. 

All She Wrote-


All She Wrote are an unsigned post-hardcore/ alternative rock band situated in Kent.
They have a sturdy fan base with over 800 likes on their facebook page and have released a self titled  EP consisting of 5 tracks without the help of a record lable.
 When speaking about their music the band said that they take a lot of influence from a rock band
called Destroy and Rebuild Until God Shows (D.R.U.G.S)
- D.R.U.G.S
I (Connie) met the band at party and they were keen for the publicity and agreed to let us use their music for our coursework.
Their EP-


Believing Is Not Knowing

The track we were inspired by is called Believing Is Not Knowing which is from their EP.
The concept we are aiming to represent is family relationships and mental health issuses.
The video will follow a girl who has run away from home and show the hardships and confusion in her life. There will be shots of her arguing with her family, moving out, squatting it in a grimey room, there will also be some hallucinations as she is Schizophrenic.We are doing a purely narrative video.

Before we come up with the details of our music video we need to stimulate some creativity and to do this we explored all the possible storylines we could use with the genre and band we have chosen. This is the mindmap-

We decided from doing this task that we envision a girl with mental health problems and a broken home. We decided that inorder to foller her through the video that we must really know her and there for we should do a character profile-

Following this we identified the other characters and possible locations-

Written by Connie Ball

Monday, 17 September 2012

Music Video Idea's:

For home work Mr. Barton asked us to go away and choose three possible tracks to work with and the close our eyes and imagine what we would see in a music video for them, here are my interpretations:

Hoo Izzy: Awkward

When I listen to Awkward I imagined for the first 0.35 seconds lots of different pairs of shoes cut to the beat so that they look like they are walking down the same road. Then when the beat changes at 0.35 seconds to 0.45 seconds there will be lots of tops with the same actor wearing them cut to that beat. When the music starts when the lyrics start at first it should be a bar scene with the guy asking a girl out and her having none of it then we will follow him round the streets of London in a mid-shot at he drives the camera along by bowling down the roads lots of different London hot spots like the London eye should be seen in the background. At the start of the line “brand new book” the guy dressed in chavvy tracksuit costume could be sitting in a business meeting with lots of suited and booted business men, he should look awkward and then an Elton john look-a-like waves at him across the very long table and on the lyric “Shit this has all gone wrong” he shall storm out. At the chorus there should be performance shots with the chav all tarted up in a jazz band with a vintage microphone. For the next verse the chav should be at the back of a rap gig standing around whilst the crowd jump, shots of the artist reveal he is a look doppelganger of the artist, the crowd clock on and the chav is surrounded by girls and camp looking guys grabbing at him. Back to the jazz band. Next verse see’s a spilt screen phone call between Izzy and his manager, back to jazz, he now has a girl on stage with him and lots of bra’s at his feet. Shots of screaming fans break up the double chorus. Outro sees the groupie coming out of the toilet looking stunning only to find izzy fast asleep on the bed, she shakes her head and leave, the second to last beat is synced with the door shutting and the last to a close up of izzy opening his eyes, a long shot shows his i-cant-believe-that-happened-expression. 

 The Unruly: Go

A full on fight between a superhero and a villan with love scenes when the chours starts between the hero and a girl and the villan and the same girl. The girl saves the heros ass and the yride of into the sun set.


The Unruly: Buzzin'

Track: N/A (Not posted to soundcloud)

Shocking scenes from the world war two I.e children in gass masks ect with performance shots of Izzy all they way through.

Written by Connie Ball

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Band Possibilities:

There are three bands which we are thinking of working with, here are their facebook pages-

The Others:

The Unruly:


Hoo Izzy:!/pages/Hoo-Izzy/163215230460956


Song Choices-

Hoo Izzy: Awkward

The Unruly: Move

The Unruly: Effects Of Time

The Unruly: The Tides Are Changing

The Unruly: Go

The Others: Reward

(All songs can be found on their Facebook pages which are previously linked)

Written by Connie Ball

Monday, 3 September 2012


Hello, this is Connie and Kieran's blogger account and we will use this account to post all production information, present coursework and so that we and our teacher Mr. Barton can keep track of our progress.
We are both fully aware of the amount of work that needs to be produced this year and of the fast pace in which we must work. Never the less we are both super syked to be creating a music video and are bursting with idea's, we are fully committed.
We both thought very hard about who we should work with this year and decided to work together for a number of reasons. The first being that we both have a very similar taste in music which is important in avoiding artistic differences as well as ensuring that we are both happy with the track chosen for the video.
Also,when creating title sequences for a thriller for AS media in which we had to work in groups of three we both learnt that it is important to have a strong relationship with your work buddy as well as knowing each other’s strengths and weaknesses within film making.
Kieran and I have different qualities which will be beneficial to the production of a music video. My strengths lie within creating the idea's for a media text and coursework whereas Kieran has a wealth of experience with camera work.
We hope that you enjoy looking through this blog and watching our music video.
 Many thanks - Connie.