Sunday, 30 September 2012

Time Line of Events: First Draught

All She Wrote-Believing Is Not Knowing.

0.00-0.07: A venerable girl walking down a road in the dark, looking scared and confused. A    series of shakey home-video like camera shots.

Might need to put establishing shot of the family home here.

0.08-0.11: A Short zoom shot that goes through the door of a house.

    0.12-0.17: A Families raging argument. The girl Alice and her mum are screaming at each other and are both extremely angry, the dad is stood to the side of the shot shaking his head.

0.18-0.20: The door slams suggesting that Alice has stormed out.

0.20-0.27: shots of the Alice walking down the steps from the house and smoking a cigarette 0.28-0.31: Shots of Alice either walking the streets, selecting the song by All She Wrote on her ipod, or an establishing shot of the flat.

0.32-0.38: A series of shots of her feeling the wall in the flat ect these suggest that Alice is either mentally unstable or has taken drugs.

0.39-0.52- Alice goes crazy at this point, screaming and pulling at her hair, curling up into a ball ect. She see’s a ghostly girl.  

Written by Connie Ball

1 comment:

  1. L2 - incomplete
    where is the other 2 mins?
    Presentation - this sought to be a timeline with annotations - see the template
