Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Contact with actors:

Wednesday 21st September 2012-
Following the recent set back of our 2nd band bailing on us!!!!! I have learnt that it is incredibly important to keep in regular contact with our actors so that we and they know exactly what's going on.
As you know from last weeks video diary, we could not film because our band could not act in the video any more. We are now 3/7 weeks into our deadline and we music start filming something by the end of this week.
So I sent and e-mail to all of our actors (Magdalena, Alyssa, Adam) asking them if they are free-
I also sent an e-mail to our new band stating the information they will need before the shoot and to ask them when they're free-
- By Connie Ball.
 Monday 19th November-
Today we decided to take action and find the actors we are missing. I found out yesterday that our the actor playing our ghost (Tasha) cannot act for us anymore. So I asked my close friend Mag to act instead and she agreed.
Mag will be casted as the ghost as she has soft and pale features which will be emphasised when edited. She also has previous acting experience and is very reliable.
-By Connie Ball
Saturday 3rd November 2012-
While at a local fireworks display Kieran and I met up with our friends Tasha Chapman and Sean Middleton. Tasha said that she would like to have some more acting experience to put on her show reel inorder to ensure her place on a Theatre course at university next year. I thought that she would be perfect to play the ghost in our music video as she has pale face, with big almost scary eyes and has tons of acting experience. She thankfully said yes.
-By Connie Ball.
Tuesday 23rd October-
We needed somebody we could rely on for the main character Alice. We also needed someone we knew could act. That is why I decided to cast my close friend ironically called Alice too. I called her up and asked her and she said yes. It is important that our actors have experience as it is time consuming to work with people who do not know how to act well. That is why Alice is perfect as she has lots of experience. She also has a look that is exactly what we want, rough but pretty, rebelious teen.
- By Connie Ball


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